Software development

Studying of general principles of planning software. Here are examined: the formal methods of software, basis of theory of formal specification of languages, development are on the base of grammars and regular expressions, methods of lexical and syntactic analysis, principles of work scanners and parsers, facilities of automatic generation of scanners and parsers for programming languages on base of specifications, facilities of the automatic planning and software development.

Course plan:
audience studies - 90 hrs.
individual work - 54 hrs.
total - 144 hrs.
semester - 6th

Computer discrete mathematics

Acquiring skills of the natural use of formal methods and models of discrete mathematics in relation to treatment of discrete information and description of discrete processes, related with development and exploitation of facilities of the computing technology and software, understanding problems which arise up during automation processes of treatment of discrete information; acquaintance with the wide spectrum methods of discrete mathematics; understanding problems which arise up at the construction of algorithms and software.

Course plan:
audience studies - 72 hrs.

Intelligent data analysis

The purpose of the course is learning theoretical bases of data processing using various assessment methods of rating multifaceted relations in data, methods of unknown knowledge and patterns representation, technologies of searching logical patterns and detection of data internal structure, acquiring skills in analysis and using technologies of data preparation, analysis and analytical generalization, mathematical modeling, classification, Pattern Recognition, and using modern application packages on purpose to do automated processing experimental data of research in Economics, technology, b

Empirical methods of software engineering

Mastering the principles of application of empirical methods in industry of software engineering. Bases of descriptive statistics, discrete and continuous probability distributions, correlation, statistical tests, used in industry of the software engineering, are examined. Also methods of planning experiment and verification of hypotheses. Application of empirical methods for the analysis of the productivity and reliability of the programmatic systems and others like that.

Course plan:
audience studies - 72hrs.
individual work - 72 hrs.
total -144 hrs.
semester - 5th

Discrete structures

This course is deepens students knowledge from bases of discrete mathematics. Purpose of this course – to create theoretical foundation for the formalization methods of the programmatic engineering. Examined calculations of expressions and predicates as formal theories; methods of the formal leading to; discrete probability and methods of leadingout in the probabilistic systems; resolution of matrix equalizations.

Course plan:
audience studies - 72 hrs.
individual work - 54 hrs.
total - 126 hrs.
semester - 6th
form of control - exam.

Group dynamics and communication

The purpose of discipline the “Group dynamics and communications“ is bases of verbal, competent and graphic communication for programmatic engineers. A study and use belongs for a purpose: principles of writing document, types of documents, presentations, bases of effective work and verbal communication, with colleagues and in the interpersonal intercourse, motivation of people, conception of group dynamics, principles of intercourse, persuasion and influence on a person, principles of avoiding of stress and conflict situations.

Course plan:
audience studies - 36 hrs.

Applications and data safety

A question of safety is an important part of conception of new information technologies in all spheres of society life . The large-scale use of the computing engineering and telecommunication systems results in high-quality new possibilities of unauthorized division to the resources and data of the information system, namely to high vulnerability. So, providing of integrity, authenticity and availability of information, - are important constituents of successful activity of any organization.

Databases (part II)

Forming systematical and scientific approach to development of automated information systems of the corporate level and acquiring practical skills in usage Database Management System, which are based on them, as example use DBMS ORACLE; understanding interconnection between data architecture on the physical and logical level; acquiring modern methods and means of information system development, such as technology “Client-server”, distributed systems. Special attention is paid to acquiring skills to develop server part of information system.

Course plan:
audience studies - 54 hrs.


Studying concepts and methods of database work: principles of organization database systems, informative models and systems, methods of data design, concepts and methods of work with the relation databases, stages of planning, development and functioning of databases, control database systems. The special attention gets of skills applications for databases.

Course plan:
audience studies - 90 hrs.
individual work - 126 hrs.
total - 216 hrs.
semester - 3rd
yearly project
form of control - test.

Architecture and design software

Deep study of software planning . Continuance of studying templates planning, environments of development and architecture. Research of existent architecture of intermediate software. Planning of the distributed systems with the using of intermediate software. Component planning. Measuring theory the use of birth-certificates and planning. Planning taking into account such qualities, as the productivity, safety, protected, possibility of the repeated use, reliability and others like that. Change of internal parameters and complication of software. Estimation and planning evolution.